Calculate postage & other services

Here you can calculate costs for all services provided by Cpost International. You can add multiple services to see the total price. You can also email the quote to yourself and contact a representative for more information or to make an appointment

All prices are target prices and subject to change

2024 Cpost International Rates are available!

The new rates for 2024 for all Cpost International Products and Service have been determined. We are working hard on the development of new services, in terms of ordering, payment and delivery. Although Mailing Services price increases are based on the consumer price index, competitive International Shipping Services, prices are primarily adjusted according to market conditions. The rates for 2024 will therefore change to a limited extent.

Effective January 1, 2024, the 2024 CPost International Tariff/Rates are available for your convenience.

Receiving Mail

PuntoMio Rates
Calculate costs for your PuntoMio services provided by Cpost International.Weight is in lbs and contains the complete weight of your shipment. All prices are target prices and subject to change, they also don't reflect any import duties and taxes.
Please interact with any of the choices availabe above
Total 0
PuntoMio Rates Saint Martin
Calculate costs for your PuntoMio Saint Martin services provided by Cpost International.Weight is in lbs and contains the complete weight of your shipment. All prices are target prices and subject to change, they also don't reflect any import duties and taxes.
Please interact with any of the choices availabe above
Total 0
EuroMio Rates
Calculate costs for your EuroMio services provided by Cpost International.Weight is in lbs and contains the complete weight of your shipment. All prices are target prices and subject to change, they also don't reflect any import duties and taxes.
Please interact with any of the choices availabe above
Total 0
PuntoMio Business Rates
Calculate costs for your PuntoMio Business services provided by Cpost International.Weight is in lbs and contains the complete weight of your shipment. All prices are target prices and subject to change, they also don't reflect any import duties and taxes.
Please interact with any of the choices availabe above
Total 0
PuntoMio Business Saint Martin Rates
Calculate costs for your PuntoMio Business Saint Martin services provided by Cpost International.Weight is in lbs and contains the complete weight of your shipment. All prices are target prices and subject to change, they also don't reflect any import duties and taxes.
Please interact with any of the choices availabe above
Total 0

EuroMio Business Rates
Calculate costs for your EuroMio Business services provided by Cpost International.Weight is in lbs and contains the complete weight of your shipment. All prices are target prices and subject to change, they also don't reflect any import duties and taxes.
Please interact with any of the choices availabe above
Total 0

Parcel Storage Rates
Calculate costs for all Parcel services provided by Cpost International.All prices are target prices and subject to change.
Please interact with any of the choices availabe above
Total 0

Sending Mail Calculators