Views of Fifties – Set


  • Date of Issue: June 19th 2017
  • Designer: Rodney Daal
  • Face value of Stamps: 121c, 179c, 285c, 308c, 440c, 684c
  • Size of Stamps: 22×33
  • Perforation: 14 x 131/4
  • Stamp paper: Synthetic
  • Printing: Offset
  • Color: CMYK
  • Printer: Johan Enschede Security Print, Haarlem, The Netherlands


Views of the fifties is a stamp emission to remember life on the island in the fifties. Most of the photos used, date back to end of the forties, beginning and mid fifties.Various of the photos were taken by Master Photographer Fred Fisher. These photos were digitally converted and carefully retouched and resampled to create and retain a vintage uniformed look, by creating a balanced workflow, retaining the same structure and a color adaptive process.

121c stamp: Handelskade and the entrance of the harbour. The Port Authorities building in the back, has been completely replaced by a more modern architecture.

179c stamp: A look on the dr. Albert Plesman Airport building with the former air traffic control tower.

285c stamp: Stroomzicht with the St. Elizabeth Hospital in the background. This canal was filled in the late fifties beginning of the sixties. On this picture the crossover bridge in the background was called “pasa kontrami” (cross -over and meet me) by the locals, referring to the various affairs that took place by the users of this route to their love encounters.

308c stamp: A birds-eye view of the rooftops of Punda, overlooking the harbour entrance towards Otrobanda, with the Santa Rosa from the Moore mcCormac line just entering the harbour.

440c stamp: A look on the Breedestraat Otrobanda in the fifties, with still two-way traffic in use.This is where now the cross-over coming from the Juliana Bridge is splitting the Breedestraat.

684c stamp: Church goers dressed for the occasion on a Sunday morning going to mass in a church of Bandabou.